Newport Forest is a 48-ha tract of recovering farmland in southwestern Ontario. Besides being a "closed conservation area", now under the protection of the Thames Talbot Land Trust, it happens to be one of the most intensively sampled sites in the world (63.8 spp/ha); an all-taxa biological inventory (ATBI) conducted on the property since the year 2000 has resulted in a list of nearly 3000 species. We have visited the site over 1200 times, with each visit resulting in the issuance of a new Bulletin. The latest Bulletin is shown in the window below. The site has enjoyed the presence of some 25 biologists and ecologists who assisted greatly with the ASTBI project — not to mention hundreds of visitors.

Here is the latest edition of The Newport Forest Bulletin:

Newport Forest Bulletin #1218: Our last chance for the annual tracking exercise

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Newport Forest Bulletin #1217: Last visit of the year: snow in the woods

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